Arctium tomentosum (Asteraceae): A new report of a native genus in the flora of Mongolia

  • JAVZANDOLGOR, Chuluunbat (Laboratory of Plant Systematic and Phylogeny, Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Mongolian Academy of Sciences) ;
  • BAASANMUNKH, Shukherdorj (Department of Biology and Chemistry, Changwon National University) ;
  • TSEGMED, Zagarjav (Laboratory of Plant Systematic and Phylogeny, Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Mongolian Academy of Sciences) ;
  • OYUNTSETSEG, Batlai (Department of Biology, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia) ;
  • GUNDEGMAA, Vanjil (Department of Biology, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mongolian State University of Education) ;
  • CHOI, Hyeok Jae (Department of Biology and Chemistry, Changwon National University)
  • Received : 2021.11.15
  • Accepted : 2021.12.22
  • Published : 2021.12.30


Arctium tomentosum Mill. (Asteraceae), from Ulaanbaatar in the Khentei phytogeographical region of Mongolia, is recognized here as a new genus and species of the flora of Mongolia. Arctium differs from other genera of Asteraceae by the hooked apex of the involucral bracts. While A. tomentosum is most similar to A. lappa, it is easily distinguished by the glandular hairs of the corolla limb and the widened inner involucral bracts. Taxonomic notes, a description of the morphology, detailed photos, habitat information, the phenology and a distribution map of A. tomentosum are provided.



This study was supported by a research project (A survey on the vascular flora of Mongolia; Grant Number KNA 1-2-38, 20-5) of the Korean National Arboretum, South Korea, and partly supported by the National University of Mongolia's Seed Grant. We thank Mr. E. Choijilsuren, who found the first locations of this species in Mongolia, for providing valuable information. The authors are grateful to two anonymous reviewers and David Boufford (Harvard University Herbaria) for their critical reading of the manuscript with valuable comments.


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