SNS 사용자 이동 영향요인 연구: SNS 피로감과 이주이론을 중심으로

The Study of SNS Users' Switching Behavior: In the Perspective of SNS Fatigue and Migration Theory

  • 투고 : 2021.08.15
  • 심사 : 2021.10.18
  • 발행 : 2021.12.31


Purpose Although companies occupied the network market take the advantageous position first and can be successful in securing users over a certain size, it is important to satisfy the customers' demand and prevent the outflow of users toward a new alternative SNS. What is more, there are frequent changes in the flow of users toward new SNSs. Despite these dynamic market circumstances, there is a lack of research to explain the switching behaviors of SNS users. Design/methodology/approach The objective of this study is to explain and verify a specified migration theory(Push-Pull-Mooring model) focused on SNS fatigue in the psychological point of view, as well as reviewing previous studies on functional and technical characteristics of SNSs themselves. Moreover, this study tried to highlight factors affecting users actual SNS switch rather than their switching intention. Findings According to the statistical analysis, the most influenced pull factor to switch SNS was the alternative attractiveness. On the other hand, undesired relationship burden, service innovation and important mooring factors to prevent users' SNS switch. This study has a significant contribution to the theory, which analyzed users' actual SNS switch, and examined SNS users' psychological factors(SNS fatigue), reviewing the characteristics of existing services. To secure more users and to keep them, companies providing social network service need to develop differentiated strategies by analyzing psychological characteristics of various users.



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