Designing a Micro-Learning-Based Learning Environment and Its Impact on Website Designing Skills and Achievement Motivation Among Secondary School Students

  • 투고 : 2021.12.05
  • 발행 : 2021.12.30


The study aimed to elucidate how to design a learning environment on the premise of micro-learning (ML) and investigate its impact on website designing skills and achievement motivation among secondary school students. Adopting the experimental approach, data were collected through an achievement test, a product evaluation form, and a test to gauge motivation for achievement. The sample was divided into two experimental groups. Results revealed statistically significant differences at 0.05≥α between the mean scores of the two groups that experienced ML, irrespective of the two modes of presenting the video in the pre-test and post-test, as for the test of websites design skills, product evaluation form, and achievement motivation test. Besides, there have been statistically significant differences at 0.05≥α between the mean scores of the first experimental group that had exposure to ML using the split-video presentation style and the scores of the second experimental group that underwent ML using continuous video presentation style in the post cognitive test of website design and management skills in favor of the group that had segmented-video-presentation ML. Another salient finding is the nonexistence of significant differences at 0.05≥α between the mean scores of the first experimental group that underwent segmented-video-presentation ML and the grades of the second experimental group that received ML with continuous video presentation style in the post-application of the product scorecard of websites designing skills and the motivation test. In light of these salient findings, the study recommended using ML in teaching computer courses at different educational stages in Saudi Arabia, training computer and information technology teachers to harness ML in their teaching and using ML in designing courses at all levels of education.



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