Management of the Processes on the Quality Provision of the Logistic Activity in the Context of Socio-Economic Interaction of Their Participants

  • Received : 2021.12.05
  • Published : 2021.12.30


The article proves the relevance of developing conceptual frameworks for managing the quality assurance of logistics activities in the context of socio-economic interaction of their participants. It is established that the fundamental difference of the logistic approach in management from traditional approaches is the allocation of a single management function of previously separated, disparate material flows, as well as economic, technological, information integration of chain links into a single system capable of effective management of these flows. It is substantiated that the functioning of the enterprise as a logistics system can be represented in the form of a triad of logistics components, namely: supply logistics, production logistics, sales logistics. Management of quality assurance processes of logistics activities in the context of socio-economic interaction of their participants is a functional component of the entire logistics system due to the quality of work and interaction of all participants in the implementation of certain activities. The quality of logistics activities will affect the level of economic potential, rationalization and optimization of all logistics flows. It is proved that the management of quality assurance processes of logistics activities in the context of socio-economic interaction of their participants involves the following main areas: the introduction of a quality system of logistics processes; development and implementation of the general strategy of quality improvement at the enterprise; internal integration; controlling. Management of quality assurance processes of logistics activities in the context of socio-economic interaction of its participants requires compliance with the following requirements: systematic and comprehensive management of all flow processes; coordination of criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the entire logistics system; dissemination of the use and application of information technology; ensuring partnerships and close interaction of all participants in sales networks.



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