조르주 바타유의 반건축적 사유에 관한 연구

A Study on the Anti-Architectural Thinking of Georges Bataille

  • 강혁 (경성대학교 건축학과)
  • 투고 : 2021.10.28
  • 심사 : 2021.11.28
  • 발행 : 2021.12.31


Compared with other philosophers and writers who were engaged in architecture Georges Bataille was extraordinary. Because he produced anti-architectural discourse. This paper studied the Bataille's thinking with relation to architecture that used as a fundamental and privileged metaphor. Philosophy regarded as the foundation of all academic discipline needed architecture in order to show its system was durable, synthetic and hierarchical. The will to build a solid system of reasoning made philosophy to call architecture to pretend that it is structurally stable. Metaphor and representation is inevitable in philosophy. Then architectural image that supported by discourse of philosophy became a representation of sociocultural system. According to Bataille architectural representation justified existing power and belief system. With architecture Identity always represented the true and good. This kind of architectonic thinking erased the Other that allowed metaphysics and symbolic Against architecture Bataille produced writings of violation and excess corresponding to labyrinth. Labyrinth in fact made a formal structure of architecture possible to be a metaphor of symbolic system. Bataille's anti-architectural thinking paradoxically shows the importance of Architecture and give a chance to rethink the ethical aspect of architecture instead of aesthetics.



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