Factors to Affect Acceptance of Open Banking from Information Security Perspectives

정보보호 관점에서의 오픈뱅킹 수용도에 대한 영향요인

  • 고정현 (동국대학교 핀테크블록체인학과) ;
  • 이원부 (동국대학교 핀테크블록체인학과)
  • Received : 2021.11.15
  • Accepted : 2021.12.10
  • Published : 2021.12.31


Joint financial network of Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute, which is an essential facility with a natural monopoly, maintained its closedness as monopoly/public utility model, but it has evolved in the form of open banking in order to obtain domestic fintech competitiveness in the rapidly changing digital financial ecosystem such as the acceleration of Big Blur. In accordance with digital transformation strategy of financial institutions, various ICT companies are actively participating in the financial industries, which has been exclusive to banks, through the link technology called Open API. For this reason, there has been a significant change in the financial service supply chain in which ICT companies participate as users. The level of security in the financial service supply chain is determined based on the weakest part of the individual components according to the law of minimum. In addition, there is a perceived risk of personal information and financial information leakage among the main factors that affect users' intention to accept services, and appropriate protective measures against perceived security risks can be a catalyst, which increases the acceptance of open banking. Therefore, this is a study on factors affecting the introduction of open banking to achieve financial innovation by developing an open banking security control model for financial institutions, as a protective measures to user organizations, from the perspectives of cyber financial security and customer information protection, respectively, and surveying financial security experts. It is expected, from this study, that effective information protection measures will be derived to protect the rights and interests of financial customers and will help promote open banking.



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