UV Laser를 이용한 Borosilicate-Glass (BSG)층의 선택적 에미터 형성

Selective Emitter Formation of Borosilicate-Glass (BSG) Layer using UV Laser

  • 김가민 (충남대학교 에너지과학기술대학원) ;
  • 장효식 (충남대학교 에너지과학기술대학원)
  • Kim, Ga Min (Graduate School of Energy Science and Technology, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Chang, Hyo Sik (Graduate School of Energy Science and Technology, Chungnam National University)
  • Received : 2021.11.08
  • Accepted : 2021.12.15
  • Published : 2021.12.27


In this study, we have investigated a selective emitter using a UV laser on BBr3 diffusion doping layer. The selective emitter has two regions of high and low doping concentration alternatively and this structure can remove the disadvantages of homogeneous emitter doping. The selective emitters were fabricated by using UV laser of 355 nm on the homogeneous emitters which were formed on n-type Si by BBr3 diffusion in the furnace and the heavy boron doping regions were formed on the laser regions. In the optimized laser doping process, we are able to achieve a highly concentrated emitter with a surface resistance of up to 43 Ω/□ from 105 ± 6 Ω/□ borosilicate glass (BSG) layer on Si. In order to compare the characteristics and confirm the passivation effect, the annealing is performed after Al2O3 deposition using an ALD. After the annealing, the selective emitter shows a better effect than the high concentration doped emitter and a level equivalent to that of the low concentration doped emitter.



This work was supported by Chungnam National University(2020-2021).


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