An 11-year-old, intact female, Miniature Poodle presented with an abdominal mass. The abdominal mass was located around the right fifth mammary gland. The surgically removed mammary mass was subjected to histopathological examination. Based on the microscopic interpretation, a final diagnosis of an intermediate grade infiltrative mammary comedocarcinoma was established. Computed tomography for metastasis evaluation after surgical resection of the tumor showed enlarged right medial iliac and right inguinal lymph nodes, and a micronodule in the accessory lung lobe, suggesting metastasis of the mammary gland tumor. Doxorubicin, a chemotherapeutic drug, was administered six times at three week intervals. However, despite chemotherapy, the masses around the fourth and fifth mammary gland on the right side enlarged in size, and the treatment was discontinued at the request of the owner. The anticancer response to mammary comedocarcinoma is poor and the patient is in hospice management. This is the first attempt to treat a case of canine mammary comedocarcinoma in South Korea.