Seismic Performance Evaluation of Structure Reinforced with Precast-Buckling Restrained Brace of Engineering Plastics

공업용 플라스틱의 선조립형 비좌굴가새로 보강한 건축물의 내진 성능 평가

  • Received : 2021.08.19
  • Accepted : 2021.09.16
  • Published : 2021.12.15


The precast-buckling restrained braces(PC-BRB) reinforced with engineering plastics that can compensate for the disadvantages in the manufacturing process of the existing buckling restrained brace. In this study, to examine the applicability of PC-BRB to actual structures, example structures similar to school facilities were selected and the reinforcement effect was analyzed analytically according to the damping design procedure of PC-BRB. Load-displacement curve through the incremental loading test appeared similar to the bilinear curve. Applying test result, Analytical model of PC-BRB model was constructed and applied to the example structure. As a result of the analysis, the PC-BRB showed stable hysteresis behavior without lowering the strength, and the inter story drift ratio and the shear force were reduced due to the damping effect. In addition, the reduction ratio of the shear force was similar to the reduction ratio assumed when designing the damping device.



이 논문은 2021년도 정부(과학기술정보통신부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단 신진연구자 지원 사업 과제 (NRF-2020R1C1C1005779)에 의해 수행되었습니다.


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