Conceptual bases of the Investment Mechanism of the Innovative Activity of Enterprises in the Context of Achieving the Tasks of Strategic Development

  • 투고 : 2021.11.05
  • 발행 : 2021.11.30


The authors of the study highlight the conceptual foundations of the investment mechanism of innovation of enterprises in the context of strategic development. Such indicators of investment attraction for the enterprise as investment attractiveness, investment activity of the enterprise, critical mass of investments, minimum sufficiency of investments and others are singled out. It is proved that the balance of investment resources is facilitated by the action of the investment mechanism of innovation activity at the enterprise in the context of achievements of strategic development tasks. Investment processes and their intensification have an impact on the expansion of production capacity of economic entities in strategic development and on improving the efficiency of existing capacities. The investment mechanism of innovative activity at the enterprise in the context of achievement of tasks of strategic development contains system of complex actions which provides: definition of the clear purpose and tasks for the mechanism and achievement of the purposes of the enterprise; assessment of the investment potential of the enterprise; definition of tasks of innovative development of enterprises and investment resources necessary for this purpose, etc. The tasks of the investment mechanism of innovative activity at the enterprise in the context of achievements of tasks of strategic development and its economic, organizational and information components are singled out, as well as levers of influence and regulators of the investment mechanism of innovation in the enterprise.



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