MND-AF application study for anti-drone system

안티드론 시스템의 국방아키텍쳐 프레임워크 적용 연구

  • Received : 2021.10.15
  • Accepted : 2021.12.20
  • Published : 2021.12.31


Recently, the rapid development of drones is increasing as a variety of threats to important facilities of the country. In order to build an anti-drone system that responds to drones with high technical characteristics, standardization is required in terms of operation, system, and technology. By applying the defense architecture framework, it contributes to the establishment of the optimal system by proposing a standardization plan for the operational and system perspectives of the anti-drone system by creating outputs equivalent to the stage of prior research on weapons systems. It is a prerequisite for building a drone system the operational concept of the anti-drone system, the definition of the drone threat, the function of each component, the interface, the definition of data flow, the system performance and effect scale, etc. Management, security officers, and equipment manufacturers of important national and public facilities on site expect that it will be used as an objective standard at the government level for the component technology of the equipment to respond to the drone threat and the performance required in the environment.



이 연구 논문은 ETRI 부설연구소의 위탁연구과제[2021-015]로 수행한 연구결과입니다.


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