해양 원자력 발전소 이야기

A Story about Ocean Nuclear Power Plants

  • 발행 : 2021.12.13




  1. Lee KH, Kim MG, Lee JI, Lee PS. Recent advances in ocean nuclear power plants, Energies, 2015, 8(10), 11470-11492. https://doi.org/10.3390/en81011470
  2. Hirdaris SE, Cheng YF, Shallcross P, Bonafoux J, Carlson D, Prince B, Sarris GA. Considerations on the potential use of Nuclear Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technology for merchant marine propulsion, Ocean Engineering, 2014, 79, 101-130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2013.10.015
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  5. Jurewicz J, Buongiorno J, Golay M, Todreas N. Spar-type Platform Design for the Offshore Floating Nuclear Power Plant, Proceeding of NUTHOS-10, Okinawa, Japan, December 14-18, 2014.
  6. Kolmayer A. Blue submarine; The Flexblue® offshore nuclear reactor, Power engineering international, 2011, 19, 126-131.
  7. Haratyk G, Lecomte C, Briffod F. Flexblue®: a subsea and transportable small modular power plant, Proceedings of ICAPP 2014, Charlotte, USA, April 6-9, 2014.
  8. Lee K, Lee KH, Lee JI, Jeong YH, Lee PS. A new design for offshore nuclear power plants with enhanced safety features, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2013, 254, 129-141. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2012.09.011
  9. Kim MG, Lee KH, Kim SG, Woo IG, Han JH, Lee PS, Lee JI. Conceptual studies of construction and safety enhancement of ocean SMART mounted on GBS, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2014, 278, 558-572. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2014.08.014
  10. Lee C, Kim J, Lee KH, Lee PS. Ocean nuclear power plants (해상 원자력 발전소). KAOSTS 2019 춘계학술대회, May 2019.
  11. Lee PS, Lee C, Lee KH, Kim JM, Lee K. New concepts for ocean nuclear power plants. Plenary lecture in World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Material Research (ACEM18), 2018.
  12. Lee C, Lee PS. Concept design of TLP-type ocean nuclear power plant. The fourth KAIST-SJTU- U.Tokyo symposium. 2017.
  13. Lee KH, Lee PS, Kim MG, Lee JI. Concept design and safety features of nuclear power plants mounted on gravity based structures. Invited in the 10th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-10), 2014.
  14. Kim MG, Kim SG, Woo IG, Han JH, Lee PS, Lee JI. Preliminary studies of ocean smart construction and safety enhancement. International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP), 2013.
  15. Lee KH, Lee JI, Woo IG, Han JH, Lee PS. Concept design of SMART mounted on GBS. International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP), 2013.
  16. Lee KH, Lee KH, Lee PS. A new concept of ocean nuclear power plant (ONPP). Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, 2011.
  17. Lee C, Kim J, Cho S. A new design concept for ocean nuclear power plants using tension leg platform. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2020, 76, 367-78. https://doi.org/10.12989/sem.2020.76.3.367