유럽, 미국, 중국의 지리적 표시 제도 및 산업적 현황

Geographical indication and its trade practices in Europe, USA and China

  • 투고 : 2021.10.21
  • 심사 : 2021.11.16
  • 발행 : 2021.12.31


Various countries established Geographical Indication (GI) system to protect the right and traditionality of their native products. The regulations vary by country but can be divided accordingly: Protection by trademark systems such as in USA, Special Protection for Geographical Indication as in EU, Protection by both schemes as in China and Korea. Within the systems, countries provide diverse schemes such as PDO and PGI in EU depending on the scope of the product. However, GI system in Korea provides one definition which only protects products that express definite tie to its territory of origin, preliminary with the origin of the ingredient. It is necessary for the government and industry to seek ways to revitalize the local economy in the global market and increase the number of GI products by aligning GI systems with foreign countries and support mutual bilateral agreement.



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