A Development Model of Korean Urban Neighborhood: - focusing on the Neighborhood Growth and the Educational Facility -

한국 도시동네의 형태변화 모델 - 동네의 성장과 교육시설과의 관계를 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2021.11.30


This study aims to propose a hypothetical urban neighborhood, HanGyo-dong, which is a model for understanding the relationship between the neighborhood change and educational facilities. Three issue layers of the model derived from preceding case studies are: establishment, relocation and redevelopment of educational facilities; formation and redevelopment of adjacent residential areas; and growth of neighborhood commercial cores. The neighborhood changes observed through HanGyo-dong include (1) the formation of educational base and commercial activities along the stream, (2) the growth of student and intellectual community and the installment of public transportation nodes, and (3) the relocation of schools and hospitals followed by a series of redevelopments of single family house into multi-family housing of low-rise residence and high rise apartment complex. The findings call for the collaborative practice of educational administration and neighborhood planning regarding how educational facilities, which were the tool for urban expansion policy, will contribute to the development of the neighborhood's identity as a localized hub.



본 논문은 한국연구재단이 지원한 '도시사물성과 정동에 관한 연구'의 일부로 진행되었습니다.


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