Democratic Leadership Practice to Construct Clan Organizational Culture in Family Companies

  • 투고 : 2020.10.01
  • 심사 : 2020.12.14
  • 발행 : 2021.01.30


A family business is a company where most of its capital and the management position is owned by family members (clan). The leader plays an important role in defining an organization, thus influencing the organization's success. A leader who has a leadership style based on family (clan) relation has the facilitator's role when conflict appears within the organization. This research aims to find the impact of the democratic leadership model on a family business that adopts the clan cultural organization. The independent variable of this research is the democratic leadership model. Meanwhile, the dependent variable is the clan culture within the organization. This research uses a quantitative method with a descriptive and causality type of research. This research population is PT Global Avionika Indonesia staff, where the data was acquired by distributing questionnaires using a saturated sampling technique. The finding in this research shows a positive and significant impact of the democratic leadership model on the clan culture within the organization PT Global Avionika. The determination test also points out that democratic leadership models affect 19.8 percent of the clan culture within the organization, and the rest of 80.2 percent were affected by other factors that were not covered in this research.



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