The Influence of SNS and Podcasts on the Political Participation of Korean Youth: A Case Study of the Candle Light Rallies and the 2017 Impeachment of the Korean President

  • 발행 : 2021.12.31


This study investigates the influence of social network services (SNS) and political podcasts on youth participation in candlelight rallies leading up to the impeachment of the Korean president. It also examines the effect of SNS and podcasts on online participation through SNSs. It was found that engaging in political discussions with friends or parents and news media use, including TV and Internet newspapers, exerted a major positive influence on participation in the rallies. However, SNS had a negative influence, while podcasts did not have a significant effect. On the other hand, SNS and podcasts had a positive influence on online participation. The results of structural equation modeling showed that SNS and podcasts affected SNS participation in the mediation of political discussion and political efficacy.



This paper is a part of a research project entitled "Political Participation of High School Students in Korea," conducted by the National Youth Policy Institute in Korea in 2017.


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