A Study on Human Factors Guidelines for Level 3 Automated Vehicles

레벨 3 자율주행차량의 인적요인 가이드라인 연구 동향

  • Published : 2020.12.01


To solve social problems such as traffic accidents caused by human driver factors and to guarantee the convenience of movement, research on the commercialization of automated vehicles is being actively conducted worldwide. In automated driving levels 2 and 3, the driver must be ready to drive at any time as the automated driving system sometimes requires manual driving by the driver. The purpose of this research is to analyze the trends in global automated vehicle guidelines and prepare guidelines for the characteristics of human factors necessary for the control rights transition system of automated vehicles. To this end, we reviewed at the guidelines for automated vehicles in the US, Germany, and Japan; ISO international standards; domestic automated vehicle standards; and the EU AdaptiVe project. In addition, a guideline is presented that can be referenced and applied by organizations related to automated vehicle manufacturing and operation. It was developed by utilizing the results of our studies on the human factors affecting the guideline of control rights transition. As national laws and regulations and continuous technology development for commercialization of automated vehicles are in progress, further research into and the revision of guidelines for safe automated vehicle production and use should be continued.



본 연구는 국토교통부 교통물류연구사업의 연구비지원[과제번호: 20TLRP-B131486-04, 자율주행자동차 차량·운전자 제어권전환 안전성 평가기술 및 사회적 수용성 연구 1단계]에 의해 수행되었습니다.


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