ETRI AI Strategy #7: Preventing Technological and Social Dysfunction Caused by AI

ETRI AI 실행전략 7: AI로 인한 기술·사회적 역기능 방지

  • Published : 2020.12.01


Because of the development and spread of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, new security threats and adverse AI functions have emerged as a real problem in the process of diversifying areas of use and introducing AI-based products and services to users. In response, it is necessary to develop new AI-based technologies in the field of information protection and security. This paper reviews topics such as domestic and international trends on false information detection technology, cyber security technology, and trust distribution platform technology, and it establishes the direction of the promotion of technology development. In addition, the development of international trends in ethical AI guidelines to ensure the human-centered ethical validity of AI development processes and final systems in parallel with technology development are analyzed and discussed. ETRI has developed AI policing technology, information protection, and security technologies as well as derived tasks and implementation strategies to prepare ethical AI development guidelines to ensure the reliability of AI based on its capabilities.



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