A Historical Consideration of Dispute Among Physicians, Dentists, and Korean Medicine Doctors

의·치·한의학 간 분쟁에 관한 역사적 고찰

  • Kim, Junhewk (Dental Education Research Center, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University)
  • 김준혁 (연세대학교 치과대학 치의학교육연구센터)
  • Published : 2020.03.31


Until recently, dentistry did not show notable social conflicts with other medical professionals. This means that conflicts did not surface as medical doctors took the dominant position even though areas of intervention have been overlapped. The recent conflict between medical professionals, which began with clashes in the area of oral and maxillofacial surgery, have been embodied in the Supreme Court ruling on the use of Botox by dentists and the court ruling on the use of oral devices in oriental medicine. We look discuss at each case in detail to seek a solution to the problem of interprofessional conflict. We present professional duty of self-development and interprofessional education as a way to resolve disputes between medical professionals, which would be a major problem in the future of dentistry and medicine.



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