설계툴을 사용한 저전력 SoC 설계 동향

Low Power SoC Design Trends Using EDA Tools

  • 발행 : 2020.04.01


Small portable devices such as mobile phones and laptops currently display a trend of high power consumption owing to their characteristics of high speed and multifunctionality. Low-power SoC design is one of the important factors that must be considered to increase portable time at limited battery capacities. Popular low power SoC design techniques include clock gating, multi-threshold voltage, power gating, and multi-voltage design. With a decreasing semiconductor process technology size, leakage power can surpass dynamic power in total power consumption; therefore, appropriate low-power SoC design techniques must be combined to reduce power consumption to meet the power specifications. This study examines several low-power SoC design trends that reduce semiconductor SoC dynamic and static power using EDA tools. Low-power SoC design technology can be a competitive advantage, especially in the IoT and AI edge environments, where power usage is typically limited.



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