임산징후(臨産徵候)에 대한 한의학적(韓醫學的) 고찰(考察)

Signs of Birth in Korean Medicine

  • 윤은경 (경희대학교 인문학연구원 HK+통합의료인문학 연구단)
  • Yoon, Eunkyung (KyungHee University, The HK+Institute for Integrated Medical Humanities)
  • 투고 : 2020.11.05
  • 심사 : 2020.11.09
  • 발행 : 2020.11.25


Objectives : This paper discusses Normal Birth in the Korean Medical context with a focus on bodily phenomena, with an aim to shed new light on what happens to mothers and the fetuses at the time of birth. Methods : Based on contents in the medical classics, changes that happen to the mother's body and their mechanisms were examined, followed by changes that happen in the fetus. The developments that happen to the fetus in the final month of pregnancy were studied in relation to aforementioned findings on the mother. Results : Signs of birth presented in the mother's body are manifestations of bodily changes that happen in a network with certain channels/meridians and viscera/bowels surrounding the uterus. The fetus prepares for birth as well, moving downwards into the mother's pelvis and his/her shen(神) getting prepared for separation from the mother's body. Conclusions : The birth process is not a race towards a finish line that ends with the birth of the fetus. It is rather a time wherein necessary changes in both the mother and the fetus takes place for a smooth and healthy birth.



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