『황제내경(黃帝內經)』의 '종용(從容)' 의미에 대한 연구(硏究)

The Meaning of Jongyong(從容) in the 『Huangdineijing』

  • 류정아 (부산대학교 한의학전문대학원 인문사회의학부)
  • Lyu, Jeong-ah (Division of Humanities and Social Medicine, School of Korean Medicine, Pusan National University)
  • 투고 : 2020.10.25
  • 심사 : 2020.11.03
  • 발행 : 2020.11.25


Objectives : This paper aims to understand the meaning and utilitarian values of 'Jongyong(從容)' in medicine by studying its meaning in the 『Huangdineijing』. Methods : Examples of 'Jongyong(從容)' usages in Chinese literature and classical texts were studied first. Next, the similarities and characteristics of its contexts in discourses between Leigong and Huangdi were examined, followed by further examination of the overall meanings of the six chapters, 「Shicongronglunpian(示從容論篇)」, 「Zhuzhijiaolunpian(著至敎論篇)」, 「Shuwuguolunpian(疏五過論篇)」, 「Zhengsishilunpian(徵四失論篇)」, 「Yinyangleilunpian(陰陽類論篇)」, 「Jiejingweilunpian(解精微論篇)」 and the verses that include 'Jongyong(從容).' Results : Generally 'Jongyong(從容)' describes a resilient attitude that responds appropriately and calmly to difficult external situations while maintaining one's character, or refers to one's general behavior. In the 『Huangdineijing』, 'Jongyong(從容)' is only mentioned in discourses between Leigong and Huangdi, which talks about ancient East Asian clinical medicine in general, its transmission and education. Here, the meaning of 'Jongyong(從容)' could be summarized as an expansion of analogical thinking[引比類], medical work that involves the physician's commitment(人事), and detailed measurement of yinyang difference in the body(刑法, 陰陽, 治數). Discussion : In ancient East Asian medicine, the meaning of 'Jongyong(從容)' is closer to measurement of the yinyang difference rather than differentiation of the five element analogy. It is a medical practice that measures the shape, volume, length, area, height, concentration etc. of the human body in numerical figures to allow for the most subtle comparison, which was an important aspect of the physician's work that needed to be demonstrated, educated and transmitted to later generations to enable continuity of the medical profession.



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