This experiment was carried out to determine optimal concentration of organic liquids for the improvement of antioxidant in pepper. As human beings enter the age of 100, they are naturally recognized as a standard of high quality agricultural products for safety and improvement of functional materials. Tomatoes are among the most consumed vegetables in the world and there is a growing interest in varieties with high functional content. However, there is a limit to the improvement of functional materials of certain varieties, so it is necessary to study the improvement of materials by cultivation physiology and environmental conditions. The test material was sown on March 15th in Wanju province and on June 15th in rain shelter house using pepper "suppermanidda" varieties. To investigate the optimum concentration of organic liquids for the improvement of antioxidant, 15 kinds of treatments were carried out including control, tomato liquid fertilizer etc. The liquid fertilizer of organic material was treated with 6 times of irrigation, and the analysis of nutrients and antioxidant was done by harvesting pepper on the September 10th. The contents of beta-carotene was increased in the T3, T4, T12 treatments, vitamin C was in the P14 treatments, flavonoid, polyphenol were in the P12 treatment compared to the control. In T12 treatment, flavonoid increased by 115.9%, polyphenol by 121.7%, beta-carotene by 117.2% and vitamin C by 136.1% compared to the control. There was no significant difference in the growth characteristics and characteristics of pepper fruit of pepper according to liquid fertilizer treatment. Therefore, it has been confirmed that the organic antioxidant is affected by the liquid fertilizer treatments of organic materials and it is necessary to study the environmental conditions such as temperature, moisture and photosynthesis.
본 연구는 고추의 항산화 물질향상을 위한 유기농자재의 적정 농도를 구명하고자 대조, P2: 고추, P3: 산야초, P4: 고추+산야초, P5: 약초, P6: 해초, P7-8: 고추+산야초, 약초, 해초의 혼합액비(P7 5%, P8 2.5%), P9: P7처리구+인삼+감태, P10: P7처리구+멸치+어분, P11: P7처리구+인삼+감태+당밀, P12: P7처리구+스테비아, P13: 7처리구+함초, P14: 인삼, P15: 감태 등 15처리하였다. 시험재료는 고추 '슈퍼마니따' 품종을 이용하여 완주군에 있는 원예특작과학원 시험포장에서 3월 25일 파종하였고 6월 15일에 비가림하우스에 정식하였다. 농자재처리에 따른 영양성분 분석은 9월 상순에 적색고추를 수확하여 분석하였다. 유기농자재 액비처리별 베타카로틴은 P3 산야초, P4 고추+산야초, P12 (P7+스테비아) 처리구에서 높았고, 비타민 C는 P14 인삼 처리구에서 높았고, 플라보노이드, 폴리페놀은 P12 처리구에서 높았으며 캡사이신은 처리 간에 큰 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 따라서 베타카로틴, 플라보노이드, 폴리페놀 등 전체적인 항산화 물질함량이 높은 P12 (총 혼합액비+스테비아) 처리구를 적정한 항산화물질 액비로 선발하였다. 액비처리별 고추 생육특성은 초장에서 P14 인삼, P15 감태처리구에서만 작았고, 나머지 처리구에서는 큰 차이가 나타나지 않았으며, 엽장, 옆폭 등에서는 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 한편, 액비처리별 과실특성은 홍과, 청과 모든 처리구에서 과장, 과폭, 중량 면에서 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 따라서 유기농자재 액비에 따른 고추영양성분과 항산화 물질향상에 영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였고, 앞으로 온도, 수분, 광합성 등 환경조건의 연구가 필요하다고 생각되었다.