New optimum distribution of lateral strength of shear-type buildings for uniform damage

  • Donaire-Avila, Jesus (Department of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, University of Jaen) ;
  • Lucchini, Andrea (Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome) ;
  • Benavent-Climent, Amadeo (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid) ;
  • Mollaioli, Fabrizio (Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome)
  • 투고 : 2019.10.05
  • 심사 : 2020.05.29
  • 발행 : 2020.11.10


The seismic design of conventional frame structures is meant to enhance plastic deformations at beam ends and prevent yielding in columns. To this end, columns are made stronger than beams. Yet yielding in columns cannot be avoided with the column-to-beam strength ratios (about 1.3) prescribed by seismic codes. Preventing plastic deformations in columns calls for ratios close to 4, which is not feasible for economic reasons. Furthermore, material properties and the rearrangement of geometric shapes inevitably make the distribution of damage among stories uneven. Damage in the i-th story can be characterized as the accumulated plastic strain energy (Wpi) normalized by the product of the story shear force (Qyi) and drift (δyi) at yielding. Past studies showed that the distribution of the plastic strain energy dissipation demand, Wpi/ΣWpj, can be evaluated from the deviation of Qyi with respect to an "optimum value" that would make the ratio Wpi/(Qyiδyi) -i.e. the damage- equal in all stories. This paper investigates how the soil type and ductility demand affect the optimum lateral strength distribution. New optimum lateral strength distributions are put forth and compared with others proposed in the literature.



This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivity, research project reference MEC BIA2017 88814 R, and also received funds from the European Union (Fonds Européen de Dévelopment Régional). The mobility of one of the researchers was funded by the National Program of Promoting Talent and its Uses in I+D+i, Modality B: Research stays and mobility abroad José Castillejo-2018. The financial support of both the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and the Italian Network of University Laboratories of Seismic Engineering (ReLuis) is also gratefully acknowledged.


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