Evaluation of coolant density history effect in RBMK type fuel modelling

  • Tonkunas, Aurimas (Lithuanian Energy Institute) ;
  • Pabarcius, Raimо (Lithuanian Energy Institute) ;
  • ndasSlavickas, Andrius (Lithuanian Energy Institute)
  • 투고 : 2019.11.24
  • 심사 : 2020.04.10
  • 발행 : 2020.11.25


The axial heterogeneous void distribution in a fuel channel is a relevant and important issue during nuclear reactor analysis for LWR, especially for boiling water channel-type reactors. Variation of the coolant density in fuel channel has an effect on the neutron spectrum that will in turn have an impact on the values of absolute reactivity, the void reactivity coefficient, and the fuel isotopic compositions during irradiation. This effect is referring to as the history effect in light water reactor calculations. As the void reactivity effect is positive in RBMK type reactors, the underestimation of water density heterogeneity in 3D reactor core numerical calculations could cause an uncertainty during assessment of safe operation of nuclear reactor. Thus, this issue is analysed with different cross-section libraries which were generated with WIMS8 code at different reference water densities. The libraries were applied in single fuel model of the nodal code of QUABOX-CUBBOX/HYCA. The thermohydraulic part of HYCA allowed to simulate axial water distribution along fuel assembly model and to estimate water density history effect for RBMK type fuel.



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