Prediction Models of Conflict and Intimacy in Teacher-Child Relationships: Investigation of Child Variables Based on Decision Tree Analysis

교사-유아 관계의 갈등 및 친밀감에 대한 예측 모형: 의사결정나무분석을 적용한 유아변인의 탐색

  • 신유림 (가톨릭대학교 아동학과)
  • Received : 2020.08.05
  • Accepted : 2020.09.28
  • Published : 2020.10.31


Objective: The purpose of this research was to examine the prediction models of conflict and intimacy in teacher-child relationships based on decision tree analysis. Methods: The participants were 297 preschool children from ages three to five including 166 boys and 131 girls. Teacher-child relationships were measured by the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale(STRS). Physical aggression, relational aggression, social withdrawal, and prosocial behaviors were measured by teacher ratings. Moreover, ADHD-RS(Attentive Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Rating Scale) was used to measure ADHD. The data was analyzed with decision tree analysis. Results: According to the prediction model for teacher-child conflict, the significant predictors were physical aggression and social withdrawal. According to the prediction model for teacher-child intimacy, the significant predictors were prosocial behaviors and relational aggression. However, children's age, gender and ADHD were not significant predictors. Conclusion/Implications: The findings suggest that social behaviors may be closely related with teacher-child relationships for preschool children. Based on the results of this study, intervention suggestions were made.



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