농작업시 발생하는 화학적 및 생물학적 위험요인에 대한 유사노출작업군 설정 연구

A Study on Establishment of Similar Expousre Groups(SEGs) for Chemical and Biological Risk Factors in Farm Work

  • 투고 : 2020.09.07
  • 심사 : 2020.09.27
  • 발행 : 2020.09.30


Objectives: The aim of this research is to establish Similar Exposure Groups (SEGs) for chemical and biological risk factors that occur in farm work involving 24 tasks among 15 crops. Methods: To categorize SEGs, work type, work environment, and similar tasks for each crop were considered. After confirming the chemical risk factors (pesticides, inorganic dust-total dust and PM10, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide) and biological factors (organic dust-total dust and PM10, and endotoxins) that occur in the crops and tasks, similar crops and tasks were selected as SEGs. Results: Among chemical risk factors, pesticides was selected for the SEGs, which was categorized by open field, greenhouse, fruit, and specialty crops. For inorganic dust, open field (plowing harrowing, seedling, planting, harvest, and sorting and packing) and specialty crops (plowing harrowing, seedling, planting, and harvest) were selected as SEGs. For ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, livestock (preparation of farm, management of nursery bed, feeding, shipment and manure treatment) were selected as SEGs. For biological risk factors such as organic dust (total dust, PM10) and endotoxins, open field (manure application), greenhouse (plowing harrowing, planting, manure application, and harvest), fruit (manure application), specialty crops (manure application, making furrows, mixing mushroom media, harvest, and sorting and packing), and livestock (preparation of farm, maintaining poultry litter, feeding, shipment and manure treatment) were selected as SEGs. Conclusions: To establish similar exposure groups in agriculture, it is important that the characteristics of each hazard factor are categorized by identifying risk factors occurring by tasks.



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