데이터기반 의사결정을 위한 정책 및 사업 속성 분류체계 개발 연구

A Study on Development of Policy Attributes Taxonomy for Data-based Decision Making

  • 김사랑 (서울대학교 농경제사회학부 지역정보전공)
  • 투고 : 2020.01.24
  • 심사 : 2020.08.10
  • 발행 : 2020.09.30


Purpose Due to the complexity of policy environment in modern society, it is accepted as common basics of policy design to mix up a variety of policy instruments aiming the multiple functions. However, under the current situation of written-down policy specification, not only the public officers but also the policy researchers cannot easily grasp such frameworks as policy portfolio. The purpose of this study is to develop "Policy Attributes Taxonomy" identifying and classifying the public programs to help making decisions for allocative efficiency with effectiveness-based information. Design/methodology/approach To figure out the main scheme and classification criteria of Policy Attributes Taxonomy which represents characteristics of public policies, previous theories and researches on policy components were explored. In addition, to test taxonomic feasibility of certain information system, a set of "Feasibility Standards" was drawn from "requirements for well-organized criteria" of eminent taxonomy literatures. Finally, current government classification system in the area of social service was tested to visualize the application of Taxonomy and Standards. Findings Program Taxonomy Schemes were set including "policy goals", "policy targets", "policy tools", "logical relation" and "delivery system". Each program and project could be condensed into these attributes, making their design more easily distinguishable. Policy portfolio could be readily made out by extracting certain characteristics according to this scheme. Moreover, this taxonomy could be used for rearrangement of present "Program Budget System" or estimation of "Basic Income".



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