A Study on the Performance Factors of Cute Characters Center Around a Two-Headed Character

애니메이션 캐릭터의 귀여움 표현 요소 연구 : 이등신 캐릭터를 중심으로

  • Received : 2020.07.31
  • Accepted : 2020.08.26
  • Published : 2020.08.31


Animation is a field of popular visual art that is established in human life, and the form of characters appearing is an important factor that is highly anticipated by the public. Designing animation characters according to aesthetic characteristics not only satisfies people's aesthetic needs but can also increase their artistic immersion in animation works. In addition, animation storytelling is delivered around characters and enhances the value of the work by encouraging more public to focus on it. In this paper, we tried to analyze the design elements of Minions characters to derive the reason why they are loved by the public. Among the morphological characteristics of bicepsin characters, a study was conducted on the fact that bicepsin characters visually express 'cute' through the study of infantile eating and color. The visual cuteness elements of a bisung character will soon be linked to the psychological satisfaction of the audience's work and will be a factor in the appreciation of the value of the work. By studying the elements of expression that represent isosin characters, I would like to discuss the factors that help the audience to immerse and get satisfaction with the characters. This will be used as an important factor for an animation character to have for the audience and will reveal its value. Second-class animation images belong to the art of small pieces, suitable for all the audience to enjoy. The two-size animated image has a strong appeal and entertainment, is a confusing visual attribute, can stimulate the audience's five senses. Compared with the actors in the movie, the visual form of the animation is more important.



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