차세대 스마트 전자를 위한 전기화학 트랜지스터

Electrolyte-gated Transistors for the Next-generation Smart Electronics

  • 권혁진 (포항공과대학교화학공학과) ;
  • 김세현 (영남대학교화학공학부)
  • 발행 : 2020.04.30


In this report, we summarize recent progress in the development of electrolyte-gated transistors (EGTs) for various printed electronics. EGTs, employing a high capacitance electrolyte as gate dielectric layer in transistors, exhibits increasing of drive current, lowering operation voltage, and new transistor architectures. While the use of electrolytes in electronics goes back to the early days of silicon transistors, the new printable, fast-responsive polymer electrolytes are expanding their range of applications from printable and flexible digital circuits to various neuromorphic devices. This report introduces the structure and operating mechanism of EGT and reviews key developments in electrolyte materials used in printed electronics. Additionally, we will look at various applications with EGTs that are currently underway.



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