A simple method for estimating the major nuclide fractional fission rates within light water and advanced gas cooled reactors

  • Mills, R.W. (UK National Nuclear Laboratory, Central Laboratory) ;
  • Slingsby, B.M. (UK National Nuclear Laboratory, Central Laboratory) ;
  • Coleman, J. (University of Liverpool) ;
  • Collins, R. (University of Liverpool) ;
  • Holt, G. (University of Liverpool) ;
  • Metelko, C. (University of Liverpool) ;
  • Schnellbach, Y. (University of Liverpool)
  • 투고 : 2019.12.08
  • 심사 : 2020.03.06
  • 발행 : 2020.09.25


The standard method for calculating anti-neutrino emissions from a reactor involves knowing the fractional fission rates for the most important fissioning nuclides in the reactor. To calculate these rates requires detailed reactor physics calculations based upon the reactor design, fuel design, burnup dependent fuel composition, location of specific fuel assemblies in the core and detailed operational data from the reactor. This has only been published for a few reactors during specific time periods, whereas to be of practical use for anti-neutrino reactor monitoring it is necessary to be able to predict these on the publicly available information from any reactor, especially if using these data to subtract the anti-neutrino signal from other reactors to identify an undeclared reactor and monitor its operation. This paper proposes a method to estimate the fission fractions for a specific reactor based upon publicly available information and provides a database based upon a series of spent fuel inventory calculations using the FISPIN10 code and its associated data libraries.



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