External dose assessment for workers dismantling the bio-shield of a commercial power nuclear reactor: Case study of Kori-1, Korea

  • 투고 : 2019.01.21
  • 심사 : 2020.02.14
  • 발행 : 2020.09.25


The license for Kori-1, the first commercial reactor in Busan, Korea, was terminated in June 2017; therefore, preparations are being made for its decommissioning. Because the radioactivity of Bio-shield varies greatly throughout the structure, the doses received by the workers depend on the location, order, and duration of dismantling operations. Thus, a model for evaluating the worker external dose during the dismantling of the Kori-1 bio-shield was developed, and work scenarios for dose assessment were designed. The Dose evaluation code VISIPLAN was used for dose assessment. The dose rate around the bio-shield was evaluated and the level of exposure to the operator was evaluated according to the work scenario. The maximum annual external dose was calculated as 746.86 mSv for a diamond wire saw operator under dry cutting conditions, indicating that appropriate protective measures, such as changing dismantling sequence, remote monitoring, shield installation, and adjustment of work team are necessary for the safe dismantling of the bio-shield. Through these protective measures, it was found that the worker's dose could be below the dose limit.



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