Comparing Characteristics in Plan and Practice of Elementary School Teachers' Science-Gifted Classes and Invention-Gifted Classes Based on PCK

PCK에 근거한 초등학교 교사의 과학영재수업과 발명영재수업 구성과 실천의 특징 비교

  • Received : 2020.05.04
  • Accepted : 2020.06.11
  • Published : 2020.08.31


This study analyzed and compared the characteristics in plan and practice of elementary school teachers' science-gifted classes and invention-gifted classes based on pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). To do this, we selected eight elementary school teachers with experience in conducting elementary science-gifted classes and/or invention-gifted classes were selected at the gifted education institutes in Seoul and conducted individual in-depth interviews. The analysis of the results reveal that the teachers tended to organize the science-gifted classes with a focus on the exploration of causes and application activities for scientific phenomena, but tended to organize the invention-gifted classes with a focus on producing creative output based on methodology. They were all emphasizing the enhancement of creativity in planning and practicing both science-gifted classes and invention-gifted classes. However, there were also some differences in the elements of creativity required by each class. They tended to select subjects for science-gifted classes based on regular science curriculum, while selecting subjects for invention-gifted classes focused on creative design rather than considering the practical art curriculum related to invention-gifted education. They tended to pursue and practice STEAM education in both science-gifted classes and invention-gifted classes. In a way that conforms to these class goals and points, they were using experiments and practices, providing feedback to students, and conducting evaluations. However, some shortcomings were also revealed in the processes. Educational implications of these findings are discussed.



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