A Randomized Active Controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate Safety and Efficacy of a Topical Unani Formulation Marham Kharish Jadeed in the Management of Qūbā (Tinea Corporis)

  • Aaliya, Aaliya (Department of Moalajat, National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders) ;
  • Nawab, Mohammad (Department of Moalajat, National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders) ;
  • Kazmi, M.H. (Department of Moalajat, National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders) ;
  • Ayyub, Sana (Department of Moalajat, National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders)
  • 투고 : 2020.06.06
  • 심사 : 2020.06.23
  • 발행 : 2020.08.31


Introduction: Qūbā (Tinea Corporis) is a very common disease widely prevalent worldwide. 20 - 25 % individuals suffer for this stubborn disease. Unani System of Medicine offers its treatment. There are many pharmacopoeial formulations indicated for various types of dermatophytic infections. In this study clinical efficacy and safety of the topical Unani formulation Marham Kharish Jadeed (a compound drug in the dosage form of an ointment) was assessed and compared with a standard conventional medicine. Materials and methods: A clinical study was conducted on 60 participants of qūbā randomized into test and control groups (n=30 in each group). The participants were clinically diagnosed and confirmed by microscopy of skin scrapings. The efficacy of the Unani formulation was assessed in terms of TSS score and elimination of fungal elements from the skin lesions. The data collected were analyzed statistically. Results and discussion: The study showed that the Unani formulation had comparatively better efficacy clinically than conventional medicine Terbinafine hydrochloride 1% cream in terms of reduction of itching, erythema, scaling, peripheral raised margins of the lesion comparing to baseline. In this study, 27 participants in test group and 18 participants in control group were completely cured (≥75% reduction in TSS Score with Mycological Cure) after 4 weeks of treatment. The efficacy of the Unani formulation was found significant statistically. The individual drugs of the formulations having analgesic (Musakkin), blood purifier (Muṣaffi-i-Dam), demulcent (Mulaṭṭif), antifungal (Qātil-i-fafūndῑ), detergent (Jālῑ), refrigerant (Mubarrid) and antiseptic (Dāfi'-i-'Ufūnat) properties might be responsible for the efficacy of Unani formulation. Conclusion: The findings of the study suggested that the Unani formulation was found effective and safe in the management of qūbā. No local and systemic adverse effect was reported during the study.



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