• Khan, Khalid Ali (Department of Ilmul Jarahat (Unani surgery), Rajputana Unani Medical College Hospital & Research Centre) ;
  • Khan, Rashid Ali (Department of Amraz-e-Jild wa Zohrawiya wa Tazeeniyat (Unani Dermatology, Cosmetology & Venerology), University College of Unani) ;
  • Zakir, Mohammad (Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders (NRIUMSD))
  • 투고 : 2020.04.16
  • 심사 : 2020.06.02
  • 발행 : 2020.08.31


The kidneys are exposed to toxicants and waste product and can be affected easily by these toxicants and by products of the metabolism. The consumption of adequate water is necessary to remove waste and to keep kidney healthy. Deficiency of liquid in the blood leads to various adverse effects on the kidney. The most common adverse deficiency of liquid in blood is deposition of solid matter in the kidney and subsequently formation of kidney stone. Nephrolithiasis (kidney stone) can be treated by drugs if it is small in size but if it blocks the route due to its big size then surgery is the only way to remove it. The recurrence rate of the problem is very high and it may reappear within 10 years. In Unani literature Hasāh wa Raml al-Kulya (nephrolithiasis) is described in detail. As per Unani literature stagnation of Ghalīz mādda (filthy and viscous matter) in the kidney is the main cause of the formation of kidney stone. Various single and compound formulations drugs are described for the management of kidney stone which are very effective as well as safe. Management is divided into two parts i.e. symptomatic treatment to relieve pain and to methods adopted to remove stone from the kidney. Musakkin-i-Waja'(analgesic) drugs are used for pain while Mufattit-i-Hasāh (lithotriptic) and Mudirr-i-Bawl (Diuretic) drugs are used to remove stone. Majoon Aqrab, Qurs Kaknaj and Dawa-e-Gurda etc. are compound drugs mentioned in literature for removal of kidney stone. Single drugs like Alu Balu, Tukhm Khayar, and Kharkhask etc. are also used for same purpose.



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