근대중국의 사회진화론과 양계초

  • Received : 2020.01.31
  • Accepted : 2020.03.15
  • Published : 2020.03.30


Social Evolution was the most influential idea in modern China. Chinese intellectuals, who had made the survival of their country and people a top priority in the face of threats from Western powers, accepted the theory of social evolution as an idea calling for national unity. For Liang Qi chao, the theory of social evolution was a reason to raise the modern nation-state and the new people, along with the need for reform. This article examines that philosophical content and meaning modern Chinese social evolution has around his concept of "nation". His ideas, which are regarded as the origin of Asian nationalism, reflect his belief in and will toward a nation-state, and occupy a unique position in the political history of modern China.



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