온병학(溫病學) 신개고강법(辛開苦降法)과 『비위론(脾胃論)』의 비위병(脾胃病) 치료 기전에 대한 고찰

A Study on the Mechanism of Opening-with-Pungent/Lowering-with-Bitter Method of Wenbing and the Spleen/Stomach Disease Treatment in Piweilun

  • 안진희 (경희대학교 한의과대학 원전학교실) ;
  • 김도훈 (가천대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실)
  • Ahn, Jinhee (Dept. of Korean Medical Classics, College of Korean Medicine, Kyunghee University) ;
  • Kim, Do-hoon (Dept. of Medical Classics and History, College of Korean Medicine, Gachon University)
  • 투고 : 2020.08.07
  • 심사 : 2020.08.13
  • 발행 : 2020.08.25


Objectives : The aim of this paper is to compare the mechanisms of the OP/LB method and the SSD treatment in 『Piweilun』. Methods : Wenbing texts, articles on the OP/LB method, and the 『Piweilun』 was examined for comparison of treatment mechanisms of SSD. Results : The mechanism of the OP/LB method in treating SSD was to treat the Spleen and Stomach separately, to restore the ascending/descending pattern of qi through simultaneous use of pungent and bitter flavors which raises and lowers, respectively. Moreover, the use of medicinals with contrary properties regulate the other's biased nature, and none of the medicinals create dampness. The pungent and bitter flavors play central roles, where the pungent flavor opens and communicates and the bitter flavor clears and lowers. The treatment method of SSD in the 『Piweilun』 treat the Spleen and Stomach together, with a focus on raising and dispersing through upraising yang and reinforcing qi by means of Wind medicinals with pungent and bitter flavors added to sweet and warm medicinals. Conclusions : Owing to the expansion of the OP/LB method concept by modern-contemporary scholars, the potential for treating SSD as can be seen in the 『Piweilun』 with the OP/LB method has emerged. The similarity between the OP/LB method and treatment of SSD in the 『Piweilun』 is that the objective of the formulas is to lower fire heat and communicate qi to help qi movement. This common objective allows for treatment of SSD within Wenbing and those in 『Piweilun』 with the said formulas through appropriate modification fit for each situation.



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