A Study on the Clinical Application of the Exterior-Interior Relationship Between the Heart and Small Intestine -Focusing on Prescriptions for Urine Disorders-

심소장(心小腸) 표리(表裏) 관계의 임상 적용에 대한 고찰 -소변이상 관련 처방을 중심으로-

  • Ahn, Jinhee (Dept. of Korean Medical Classics, College of Korean Medicine, Kyunghee University)
  • 안진희 (경희대학교 한의과대학 원전학교실)
  • Received : 2020.08.06
  • Accepted : 2020.05.10
  • Published : 2020.08.25


Objectives : The aim of this paper is to examine texts that deal with the clinical application of the exterior-interior relationship between the Heart and Small Intestine. Methods : Texts that apply the Heart and Small Intestine relationship to treating urine disorders were selected and analyzed. Results : The relevance of the Heart-SI relationship to urine disorders was first discussed in the 『Zhubingyuanhoulun(諸病源候論)』, and the theory was finally applied to clinical treatment of urine disorders in the 『Waitaimiyao(外臺秘要)』. Text analysis revealed that Daochisan of the 『Yujiweiyi(玉機微義)』, Daochisan of the 『Yizongjinjian(醫宗金鑑)』, HupoDaochitang of the 『Yichunshengyi(醫醇賸義)』, and Daochiyinjiaweifang of the 『Xuezhenglun(血證論)』 were of Daochisan affiliation, while those that were not of this affiliation were Gandihuangwan of the 『Waitaimiyao(外臺秘要)』, Xijiaotang of the 『Shengjizonglu(聖濟總錄)』 and 『Pujifang(普濟方)』, Rushensan and Xijiaodihuangtang of the 『Qixiaoliangfang(奇效良方)』, and Liangxinlishuitang of the 『Bianzhenglu(辨證錄)』, indicating that the formulas used for treatment were mostly affiliated with Daochisan. When clinically applying the exterior-interior relationship of the Heart and SI to urine disorders, the phenomenon can be most closely matched to the biomedical concept of Overactive Bladder. Discussion : Based on the finding that the formula following the exterior-interior relationship of the Heart and SI was first mentioned in 『Waitaimiyao(外臺秘要)』 published in 752, and was continuously mentioned in the 『Xuezhenglun(血證論)』 which was published in 1884, it is highly probable that the exterior-interior relationship theory of the Heart and SI and its clinical application closely influenced each other.



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