전반적인 의생활 환경에 대한 소비자의 안전 불안감 인식에 관한 연구

A Study on Consumer Perception of Safety Anxiety on Overall Clothing Environment

  • 박신영 (서울대학교 의류학과) ;
  • 이유리 (서울대학교 의류학과/서울대학교 생활과학연구소) ;
  • 김주연 (서울대학교 의류학과/서울대학교 생활과학연구소) ;
  • 고은경 (서울대학교 소비자학과)
  • Park, Shinyoung (Dept. of Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee, Yuri (Dept. of Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design, Seoul National University/The Research Institute of Human Ecology, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Jooyoun (Dept. of Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design, Seoul National University/The Research Institute of Human Ecology, Seoul National University) ;
  • Go, Eunkyung (Dept. of Consumer Science, Seoul National University)
  • 투고 : 2019.06.10
  • 심사 : 2020.01.22
  • 발행 : 2020.04.30


This study examined consumers' perceived anxiety regarding how safe the clothing and lifestyle products are as well as influencing factors. Data was collected using a self-ministered online survey of 1,126 adult consumers. The results of this study showed that consumer anxiety about chemicals and hygiene product safety had a greater impact on the anxiety perception of general safety than clothing and beauty products. It was confirmed that the reliability of information source (government agency, mass media, expert group, and internet community/blog) varies depending on the level of consumers' overall safety anxiety. The study also found the effect of consumers' subjective perception of health on safety anxiety about clothing and lifestyle products. Further, the moderating effect of age in the research model was confirmed. This result can be a useful guide to marketing communication for developing consumer safety-related policies to reduce consumer anxiety. The information will also help consumers make informed decisions that lead to safe and sustainable consumption.



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