Quantitatively Investigating the Effects of Multiple Strategies on Pre-Services Teachers' Mindset and Persistence

  • 투고 : 2020.06.04
  • 심사 : 2020.06.29
  • 발행 : 2020.06.30


Pre-service teachers (PST) are students who are developing their mindset, persistence, instructional practices, and perception of tasks from two perspectives: as current students and as future teachers. As part of a larger study with PSTs engaged in a mindset intervention, this study quantitatively investigated PSTs mindset and persistence. During professional development (PD), PSTs engaged in multiple strategies (MS) tasks that promoted changes to PSTs mindset and persistence. PSTs' mindset pre- and post- PD were categorized after attending at least 4 interventions as fixed, mixed, or growth using the theory of intelligence, and their persistence as high or low using the Grit-S. Changes in categorization were noticed and explored for reasons of what could be done to make mindset interventions more effective such as consistently using challenging mathematics tasks with more open ended answers and focusing on discussion based mathematical lessons.



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