한국 수학사와 '경북학파'의 탄생: 경북대학교 수학 연구 전통의 형성과 발전

History of Mathematics in Korea and the Birth of 'Kyungpook School': The formation of mathematics research tradition in Kyungpook National University

  • Moon, Manyong (Korean Research Institute of Science, Technology and Civilization, Jeonbuk National Univ.) ;
  • Sun, You-jeong (Korean Research Institute of Science, Technology and Civilization, Jeonbuk National Univ.) ;
  • Kang, Hyeong-gu (Daegu National Science Museum)
  • 투고 : 2020.02.21
  • 심사 : 2020.05.11
  • 발행 : 2020.06.30


This paper tries to show the formation of 'Kyungpook School' that is a nickname given to mathematicians of Kyungpook National University (KNU). In the early period, the role of professor Park Jung-gi was the most important drive to set the research tradition. He made Korea's first english journal in mathematics, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal KMJ which became a cornerstone for students to join the international academic community. Professor Ki U-hang published the most amount of papers in Korea in 1970s and became a role model for young scholars. In this background, KNU's Topology and Geometry Research Center at KNU was chosen as the only Science Research Center in mathematics in 1989, and KNU's mathematicians could get a long-period support for capable mathematics researchers' community.



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