영농승계자 역량강화를 위한 영농실습 요구도 분석

Needs Analysis of Farming Practice to Strengthen the Competence of Farm Successors

  • 엄지범 (전북대학교 농경제유통학부)
  • Um, Ji-Bum (Department of Agricultural Economics, Jeonbuk National University)
  • 투고 : 2020.11.12
  • 심사 : 2020.12.16
  • 발행 : 2020.12.31


This study aims to examine the needs analysis for agricultural management capabilities and farming practices that were emphasized by focusing to the inflow of farmers and the importance of the smooth succession. Data were collected from 134 farm successors. The Borich demand and the Locus for Focus model were hired for the study. Result were as follows. The competency group that the farm successors showed a high educational needs for was financial management. As for the detailed competencies that farm successors showed high educational needs for, based on Borich demand and the Locus for Focus model, the six detailed competencies of financial measures, financial analysis, financial management, sales planning, machine operation, and pest management were common and were derived as priorities. As for the direction of farming practice education for farm successors, based on these analysis results, education on machinery operation in the production sector should be expanded, and the management sector, more systematic and diverse education should be prepared to strengthen financial management capabilities.



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