What Drives the Listing Effect in Acquirer Returns? Evidence from the Korean, Chinese, and Taiwanese Stock Markets

  • Kim, Byoung-Jin (Department of Business Administration, Korea Polytechnic University) ;
  • Jung, Jin-Young (College of Business Administration, Inha University)
  • Received : 2020.04.07
  • Accepted : 2020.09.07
  • Published : 2020.10.31


Purpose - This study investigates whether a listing effect exists in cross-border M&As and whether the effect can be attributed to the uncertainty of the GDP growth rate in the target firm's home country. We apply a joint variable analysis using M&A announcement data from the Korea Exchange (KRX), Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), and the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) from 2004 to 2013. We also conduct an event study using the measure of the uncertainty of the GDP growth rate (based on IMF statistics) in 55 target countries. Design/methodology - We measure the abnormal return (AR) using the market-adjusted model. We test the significance of the AR and the cumulative abnormal return (CAR) using a one-sample t-test. We examine the characteristics of the CARs depending on whether the target company is listed by applying a difference analysis using CAR as a test variable. In addition, we set CAR (-5, +5) as a dependent variable to identify the cause of the listing effect, and test both the financial characteristic variables of the acquirer and the collective characteristic variables of the merger as independent variables in the multiple regression analysis. Findings - First, we find the listing effect of cross-border M&As in the KRX, SSE, and TWSE, which represent the capital markets in Korea, China, and Taiwan, respectively. This listing effect persists during the global financial crisis and has a negative effect on the wealth of acquiring shareholders, especially when the target countries are emerging markets. Second, greater uncertainty regarding the target countries' economic growth in cross-border M&As has a negative effect on the wealth of acquiring firms' shareholders. Third, our empirical analysis demonstrates that the listing effect is attributable to the fact that firms listed in a target country with greater uncertainty of economic growth are more directly and greatly exposed to uncertain capital markets through stock markets, than are unlisted firms. Originality/value - This study is significant in that it presents a new strategic perspective in the study of cross-border M&As by demonstrating empirically that the listing effect is attributable to the uncertainty regarding the economic development of the target firms' home countries.



This work was supported by an Inha University Research Grant.


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