Global Big Data Analysis Exploring the Determinants of Application Ratings: Evidence from the Google Play Store

  • Seo, Min-Kyo (Department of Trade and Management, Daegu University) ;
  • Yang, Oh-Suk (Division of Business Administration & Accounting, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Yang, Yoon-Ho (School of Management, University College London)
  • Received : 2020.06.24
  • Accepted : 2020.10.07
  • Published : 2020.11.30


Purpose - This paper empirically investigates the predictors and main determinants of consumers' ratings of mobile applications in the Google Play Store. Using a linear and nonlinear model comparison to identify the function of users' review, in determining application rating across countries, this study estimates the direct effects of users' reviews on the application rating. In addition, extending our modelling into a sentimental analysis, this paper also aims to explore the effects of review polarity and subjectivity on the application rating, followed by an examination of the moderating effect of user reviews on the polarity-rating and subjectivity-rating relationships. Design/methodology - Our empirical model considers nonlinear association as well as linear causality between features and targets. This study employs competing theoretical frameworks - multiple regression, decision-tree and neural network models - to identify the predictors and main determinants of app ratings, using data from the Google Play Store. Using a cross-validation method, our analysis investigates the direct and moderating effects of predictors and main determinants of application ratings in a global app market. Findings - The main findings of this study can be summarized as follows: the number of user's review is positively associated with the ratings of a given app and it positively moderates the polarity-rating relationship. Applying the review polarity measured by a sentimental analysis to the modelling, it was found that the polarity is not significantly associated with the rating. This result best applies to the function of both positive and negative reviews in playing a word-of-mouth role, as well as serving as a channel for communication, leading to product innovation. Originality/value - Applying a proxy measured by binomial figures, previous studies have predominantly focused on positive and negative sentiment in examining the determinants of app ratings, assuming that they are significantly associated. Given the constraints to measurement of sentiment in current research, this paper employs sentimental analysis to measure the real integer for users' polarity and subjectivity. This paper also seeks to compare the suitability of three distinct models - linear regression, decision-tree and neural network models. Although a comparison between methodologies has long been considered important to the empirical approach, it has hitherto been underexplored in studies on the app market.



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