The Interpretation of "The Great Learning" within the Korean New Religion Daesoon Jinrihoe

韓國大巡真理會對 《大學》 思想的解釋與轉化

  • Received : 2020.01.31
  • Accepted : 2020.04.18
  • Published : 2020.04.30


This study focuses on the interpretation and transformation of "The Great Learning" within the Korean new religion, Daesoon Jinrihoe. Joseon Dynasty Korea was a member of the Chinese Character Cultural Sphere in East Asia. The examination and recruitment system of the Yuan Dynasty influenced the Joseon Dynasty for a long historical period. Zhu Xi's (朱熹) version of The Four Books were accepted and applied in imperial examinations during the Joseon Dynasty. The 18th century Confucian thinker, Jeong Yak-Yong (丁若鏞), overturned and rebuilt his own system for studying and interpreting The Four Books (四書學). Zhu Xi and Jeong Yak-Yong's systems of thought influenced Confucianism knowledge in that era. The historical figure deified as the Supreme God by Daesoon Jinrihoe, Kang Jeungsan (姜甑山), was trained in the study of The Four Books within that cultural and philosophical context, and this is especially evident in his interpretation and transmission of "The Great Learning." Kang Jeungsan regarding The Great Learning as deeply important. That text combined Confucian discourse on Principle, Mind, and Practice. In his interpretation, The Great Learning was also a medical and religious book that had holy and mysterious powers. In Mugeuk-do and Taegeuk-do (direct predecessors to Daesoon Jinrihoe), Jo Jeongsan interpreted the concept of Sincerity and Regularizing the Mind and incorporated them into doctrine as 'Sincerity, Respectfulness, and Faithfulness' and 'Guarding against Self-deception.' Park Wudang practiced and spread those doctrines to Korea, and Daesoon Jinrihoe devotees continue to follow those doctrines in present times.

本文乃研究韓國大巡真理會對 《大學》 思想的解釋與轉化。韓國屬於漢字文化圈的一國, 受到中國科舉制度的影響, 亦以朱熹 《四書章句集註》 做為策試選才的版本。朝鮮儒者丁若鏞以實用角度注解 《大學》, 故後之儒者多以實學解讀 《大學》 思想。大巡真理會系譜創教主姜甑山, 即在此一傳統脈絡中, 以宗教修道的立場, 賦予新義。姜甑山十分重視 《大學》, 特別是「經一章」, 他認為 《大學》 兼具心性之學與實學, 尤其是誠意正心的真實修練。他將 《大學》 神聖化與神秘化, 促使 《大學》 成為宗教書籍, 《大學》 宛若道教的符籙, 具有奇異的神秘力量。再者, 只要誦讀 《大學》 經一章, 所有的疑難雜症皆可醫治, 促使 《大學》 成為醫療書籍。大巡真理會之道主趙鼎山將誠意正心的思想定位於「誠, 敬, 信」與「無自欺」, 並以誠意為自修之首。趙鼎山在姜甑山的基礎下, 以「誠, 敬, 信」結合「無自欺」的修煉, 在都典朴牛堂的闡釋與大力推廣之下, 成為現今大巡真理會的核心教義與修道工夫, 藉此可見韓國新宗教轉化 《大學》 之「誠意正心」思想, 與其所開展的現況!



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