Case Review on Risk Management System in Overseas Tunnel Projects

제8강 해외 터널공사에서의 리스크 평가 및 관리 적용 사례

  • 김영근 ((주)건화 기술연구소/지반터널부)
  • Published : 2020.06.20




  1. 지하공사에서의 프로젝트 리스크 및 안전관리 시스템, PM 심포지엄, 2017.
  2. Geotechnical Risk Assessments for Tunneling/Underground Projects, 2017.
  3. Niagara Tunnel Project Quantitative Risk Assessment Report, 2055.
  4. Risk Assessment of the Niagara Tunnel Project, 2006.
  5. AS/NZS 4360:2004, Risk Management (Standards Australia).
  6. Identifying Hazards in the Workplace - A Guide for Hazards in the Workplace (Australia Comcare).
  7. Safety Certification Process for Rapid Transit Systems in Singapore.
  8. Handbook for Transit Safety and Security Certification, 2002.
  9. Project Safety Review & Risk Management for Bored Tunnel - Cable Tunnel EW2 Case, 2015.
  10. Managing Safety and Risks in Singapore Mass Rapid Transit Projects, LTA.
  11. Project Outline Melbourne Metro Rail Project, 2016.
  12. Melbourne Metro Rail Project MMR-AJM-PWAA-RP-NN-000813 Environmental Risk Assessment Report (Risk Register), 2016.
  13. Melbourne Metro Rail Project Environment Effects Statement, 2018.
  14. Managing Safety and Risks in Singapore Mass Rapid Transit Projects, LTA.