Application of Drone Images to Investigate Biomass Management Practices and Estimation of CH4 Emissions from Paddy Fields

드론영상을 활용한 논 유기물 관리 인자 조사 및 메탄가스 배출량 산정

  • Park, Jinseok (Department of Rural Systems Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Jang, Seongju (Department of Rural Systems Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Hyungjoon (Department of Rural Systems Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Hong, Rokgi (Department of Rural Systems Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Song, Inhong (Department of Rural Systems Engineering, Research Institute of Agriculture and Life sciences, Seoul National University)
  • Received : 2020.01.17
  • Accepted : 2020.04.13
  • Published : 2020.05.31


Rice paddy cultivation is one of the major sources in methane (CH4) emission of which accurate assessment would be a prerequisite for agricultural greenhouse gas management. Biomass treatment in paddy fields is an important factor that affects CH4 emissions and thus needs to be taken into account. The objectives of this study were to apply drone images to investigate organic matter practices and to incorporate into the estimation of CH4 emissions from paddy fields. Three study areas were selected by one from each of the three different regions of Yeongnam, Honam and Jungbu, which are the most active region in paddy cultivation. The eBee drone was used to take images of the study sites twice a year; Jul mid-season for identifying rice cultivation area; Jan for investigating rice straw management and winter crop cultivation. Based on biomass management practices, different emissions factors were assigned on an individual paddy field and CH4 emmisions were estimated by multiplying respective areas. The ratios of rice straw application and winter crop cultivation were 1.4% and 37.2% in Hapcheon, 1.3% and 19.8% in Gimje, and 0.0% and 0.5% in Dangjin, respectively. The CH4 emissions estimates for respective sites were 0.40 ton CH4/year/ha, 0.34 ton CH4/year/ha, and 0.29 ton CH4/year/ha. On average, estimated CH4 emissions of this study were 28.5% less than the current Tier 2 CH4 emission estimation method.



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