Analysis of A Gas Explosion-Related State Compensation Case

가스폭발 사고와 관련된 국가배상 사례의 분석

  • Lee, Euipyeong (Department of Fire Safety Engineering, Jeonju University)
  • Received : 2019.09.04
  • Accepted : 2020.03.10
  • Published : 2020.03.31


This study analyzed a gas explosion accident. A gas smell from a underground coffee shop in the two-story building was reported to 119. A fire brigade was turned out, turned off the main valve of LPG gas cylinder on the roof, and checked the turning off of middle valve in the coffee shop. The fire brigade required a gas supplier and gas installer who arrived at the spot to take safety actions. Gas explosion occurred seven minutes after the fire brigade was withdrawn and two people died and 21 people were injured. A court decided that because the causes for gas explosion were not found, compensation responsibility could not be charged with the gas supplier, the gas installer, or Korea Gas Safety Corporation. In this reason, the court judged that only the fire brigade who was withdrawn without taking safety actions shall compensate victims or bereaved families. Therefore, fire brigades who turn out after a 119 report of a gas leak should take safety actions such as escaping people or preventing people's access and ventilating and be withdrawn when there is no possibility of fire or explosion.

이 논문에서는 2층 건물 지하층의 다방에서 가스냄새가 난다고 119신고가 되어 소방대원들이 출동하여 옥상에 있는 LPG 가스통들의 밸브를 직접 잠그고 지하층 다방의 중간밸브의 잠금 상태를 확인하고 현장에 도착한 가스공급 및 설치 업자에게 안전조치를 취하도록 요구하고 철수한 후 7분 만에 가스폭발사고가 발생하여 2명이 사망하고 21명이 부상을 입은 사례를 분석하고 있다. 법원은 가스폭발사고의 원인이 규명되지 아니하였으므로 가스공급 및 설치 업자와 한국가스안전공사에 배상 책임을 물을 수 없고 안전조치를 하지 않고 철수한 소방기관에게만 배상책임이 있다고 판결하였다. 그러므로 가스가 누설된다고 119신고가 되는 경우에 출동한 소방대는 가스 밸브를 잠그고 사람들을 대피시키거나 접근하지 못하게 하고 환기를 시키는 등 안전조치를 하고 화재나 폭발가능성이 없음을 확인한 후 철수해야 한다.



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