Key Quality of Service Attributes of Digital Platforms

  • Nandakishore K N (International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore) ;
  • V Sridhar (International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore) ;
  • T K Srikanth (International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore)
  • Received : 2019.03.26
  • Accepted : 2019.11.22
  • Published : 2020.03.30


Digital platforms characterized by network effects enable provisioning of various types of services and provide a mechanism for linking producers and consumers. Identifying the key Quality of Service attributes of such platforms is vital for their continued success and growth. In this paper, a set of quality attributes for platforms is first extracted from different extant quality models. Then actual user feedback data from three platform providers are analysed and mapped against the set of quality attributes to determine the key attributes that are relevant. These findings are corroborated with qualitative data from interviews of different stakeholders. The results show that service quality characteristics are important to the success of platforms. Functional characteristics of platforms assume importance where the digital contributions of the platform is higher. Apart from these, 'fitness for use' as a major determinant of quality is also important in digital platforms.



The help provided by UpGrad in making available the feedback data from their education platform, is gratefully acknowledged.


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