The 'Relatedness' Perspective in Compliance Management of Multi-business Firms

  • Sang Soo Kim (Department of Business Administration, Yong In University)
  • 투고 : 2019.11.23
  • 심사 : 2020.03.16
  • 발행 : 2020.06.30


This paper tries to closely look at compliance knowledge relatedness and IT relatedness based on Tanriverdi's 'relatedness' concept. Also, this paper's main focus lies on how knowledge relatedness and IT relatedness influence compliance performance through compliance knowledge exploitation. The present study conducted a full-scale survey and finalized questionnaire was sent to compliance managers of 187 Korean multi-business firms. This study found (1) the impact of compliance knowledge relatedness on compliance performance, (2) the mediating role of knowledge exploitation on the relationship between compliance knowledge relatedness and compliance performance, and (3) the interaction effect of IT relatedness and compliance knowledge relatedness on knowledge exploitation. This paper contributes to both academic and business world by widening applicability of theories and providing guidelines conducive to improved compliance performance of corporations.



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